Your money and your goals. All within reach.
We now have certified financial coaches at all Financial Plus locations with the tools, knowledge, and resources to guide you through the path you're on. The best part? It's completely free to you.
What's in it for you:
- Learn how to build your credit score
- Plan for your child's college education
- Review retirement savings
- Review and set your budget
- Review debt and collections
- And more

Jessica Naert, CCUFC
Jessica has been working in the banking industry for eight years and joined Financial Plus Credit Union five years ago. She is passionate about being part of a credit union, as it allows her to make a positive impact on members seeking to improve their financial wellness. Jessica enjoys providing the guidance and support members need to build a strong financial foundation.
Office: (989) 399-9897
Email: jnaert@myfpcu.com

Kristin Sisson, CCUFC
Kristen has been with Financial Plus Credit Union for 11 years and has a passion for financial literacy. Her goal is to help encourage and inspire more people to embrace the power of becoming financially literate in our community.
"Save money and money will save you."
"Chase your dreams, it is never too late!"
Community Action: Financial Wellness Ambassador to local schools
Office: (989) 759 - 5746
Email: ksisson@myfpcu.com

Mariah Averill, CCUFC
Office: (989) 759-5767
Email: maverill@myfpcu.com
Rebecca Sobieray, CCUFC
As a certified financial coach, Rebecca is passionate about helping others. She is dedicated to guiding members toward achieving their financial goals, understanding their needs, and improving their overall financial wellness. Rebecca finds great satisfaction in assisting members with their challenges and connecting them to the resources they need to build a more secure financial future. She is committed to supporting the community and watching members grow towards better financial health.
"It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow."
Community Action: Financial Wellness Ambassador to local community groups and schools
Office: (989) 799-9838
Email: rsobieray@myfpcu.com
Krystal Flores, CCUFC
Krystal has been with Financial Plus Credit Union for three years and truly enjoys her role as a financial coach, as it allows her to gain a deeper understanding of the needs and circumstances of both the community and the individuals she serves. She takes great pride in helping members not only understand their financial situations and needs, but also in assisting them in overcoming financial obstacles. Krystal loves to lend a helping hand to others and is thankful to be able to provide excellent feedback and support to those that she works with.
"You can’t always visualize the reward, but you can believe in the sacrifice if the vision is strong enough." – Don Connelly
Office: (989) 759-5772
Email: kflores@myfpcu.com